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There was actually a time when I was very skeptical about long line shirts. It felt like I didn’t have the confidence to wear one. However, by the looks of the photo above, I am now comfortable wearing long line shirts! Haha This look definitely takes a lot of confidence to pull off because its longer than the long line shirts I’ve become used to.

I have a friend who works at ‘Dare to Dream’ who kept on telling me to wear this shirt but I never bat an eye on it because it was way to long for me. I finally gave in and got the shirt because I trust him. There must be a reason why he thought the shirt suits me. I guess he was right! I mustered all my confidence and created this look. So now, I’m dedicating this post to him. Hi Paco Serafica! =)

Photos by: Sophia Sanchez
Long Line Shirt: Dare to Dream

He just got a new job hence the title. Good thing about it is that he gets to venture into a new and different opportunity but in the same career path right in the vicinity of family and friends! Hurray to new beginnings! =)
I played with proportion in this one while keeping the color scheme simple. Going full blast on colors would either be a risk worth taking or a hot mess! Since the play on length is already a risk for me so I took the safe route on the colors. I chose to wore the blazer in order to keep myself from looking short as well as to keep the proportions of my torso apparent.The Chucks binds the preppy vibe of the long line shirt while the blue slacks and blue blazer tones the whole look down to a dapper.