Believe it or not, these photos were taken last year. Okay, I think it’s not hard to believe since I gained weight… which I’m very happy about! I found these photos drowning in the abyss of my pending posts. I guess I’ll dig deeper before I post the new ones! Haha
These photos were taken at Plantation Bay Resort and Spa last year. It was in perfect timing because I had a lot in mind that time. I needed that break. What’s even better about it is that we get to stay there for free! My girlfriend’s brother, most of the time, gives us these random free stays at the resort. Well, isn’t that great?!
Anyway, we had a lot of fun. We got to unwind, relax, and do whatever we want. We all need that break away from the city even just for a little while.
Photos by: Sophia Sanchez
You may have noticed (or not) that I did not put any brands for my clothes. That would be because I can’t remember anymore! Haha All I can remember is that this look is the product of really old stuff. My girlfriend found that shirt in the “unused clothes bin” of their house and gave it to me. I think it belongs to her brother. He’d probably kill me for wearing it! Or maybe not? Haha I just folded the sleeves because they were ill fitting for me. It literally looked like they were about to fly off! Haha The walk shorts were actually full length pants! I wanted to buy one but I couldn’t find shorts that’s knee length. All I found were above knee length so I decided to cut my old white pants. I folded them too because I don’t know how to sew them.
I just kept the color scheme around green and brown then added a hue of white! =)