Grocery – Sat, 24 Aug 2019 12:35:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grocery – 32 32 Landers Superstore Tue, 09 May 2017 07:42:00 +0000
Landers Superstore is finally here in Cebu! Yes, it is officially open today! I got so excited when I heard late last year that they were opening a branch here the Queen City. As many of you might not know, I actually cook. Believe it or not, I do. Haha I enjoy making my own stuff including making my own food. This is mainly the reason why I always enjoy going to craft stores, local market, and grocery stores. What more? A superstore that offers almost everything that offer both international and local goods at very awesome deals! =)

Trust me, when you visit this huge store, you will definitely buy things that you did not think of buying. The promotional deals they have for their opening which runs until the 15th of May is insane. Membership for the superstore is only Php 800 and it is buy one take one for Cebuanos up until the 31st of May! That’s basically just Php 400 only per card. =) 
I couldn’t help but drool over their ice cream aisle. They have a whole aisle for ice cream! Imagine that! There’s definitely a lot of option of your favorite things here.
Members also get to enjoy FREE haircut at their in house barber shop, Federal Barbers. All you have to do is present your membership card along with any official Landers Superstore receipt (Superstore, Doppio, Landers Central. There is also no minimum amount or date required for the receipt. Now I know where to get my monthly haircut and do my shopping at the same time! =)
Landers Superstore has a lot to offer and it is just in the heart of the city. You have to go and visit them now to avail of their buy one take one membership as well as their buy one take one deals. They also have mark downs on a bunch of items which I am sure you would not want to miss! They are open from 9 AM until 9 PM everyday. So you have a lot of time to go and get that bang for the buck!